Friday, March 20, 2020
State vs. Non-State Essays
State vs. Non-State Essays State vs. Non-State Essay State vs. Non-State Essay State vs. Non-State When considering the use of violence and non-violence throughout history, or at least in the last 200 years, the term Manifest Destiny comes to mind. Although it is not in itself a violent or for that matter a non-violent action, the idea of Manifest Destiny gave Americans the attitude of Gods will for westward expansion which in turn lead to the violent relocation of the Native Americans, or First Peoples. Through laws, being the non-violent action of relocation, and war on the First Peoples being the violent means to an end. This is not the only idea throughout this time period, ountries throughout the world were all going through change and not all of the changes for the better and not all the changes were made by the state. In 1917, in Russia, the people were getting fed up with the Czars ungodly rule over them. This came to a head during the March Revolution; 90,000 textile workers went on strike during the middle of World War I protesting the shortage of fuel and bread, by the end of the week there was a totally 400,000 striking with signs of Down with the Tsar and Down with the War. The state or in this case the tsar banned protesting and ent in the army to shoot the protesters. This use of violence back fired when the army turned on their officers and Joined in on the protesting, demanding an end to the war. This Revolution led to the downfall of the Tsar, using both violent and non- violent means and involving both the state and non-state peoples. Another form of mass state actors is the formation of the League of Nations in an attempt to secure world peace or at least maintain some form of order throughout the world. This would eventually lead to more violence and then breakdown all together and turning nto the United Nations. The greatest person in History, or at the least the most well known, to do with non-violence would be Gandhi. His idea of satyagraha says in all in the sense of striving for truth and social Justice through love, suffering, and conversion of the oppressor. Gandhi used these ideas in his organization of a mass non-violent resistance campaign against the restriction of Asian immigration and internal freedom of movement in South Africa. Thousands of Indian men and women marched peacefully and all the while withstood beatings, arrest, and imprisonments. Although Gandhi is the leader of South Africa, one could almost call his peaceful campaign a campaign from the non-state actors as they were resisting a higher government, Gandhi was simply the face of the body. A solid idea of state actors using violence and non-violence to get their way would be Mussolinis Black Shirts and their attempt and success in ridding the country of Spain of socialist buy destroying their newspapers and headquarters. Mussolini used their form of chaos to step forward as the countries savior and became a leading fgure in World War II on the Axis side of power. Hitler was also another clever man in his use of non- violence, surprising I know. Hitler would use his elegant speeches to sway the minds of the Germans and convince them that everything he goes to do is in their interest. Using his control over their thoughts, in a manner of speaking, he would push through laws such as Enabling Act that gave him dictatorial power for the next four years. Non-violent to the core, but this kind of power cannot be held without violence. actors, which are famous for their extreme use of violence to an end. They were ordered to arrest and shoot without trail about thousand long-time Nazi storm roopers, this led to army leaders throughout Germany to swear total obedience to Hitler. Past the state actors are famous non-state actors such as Lech Walesa and the Solidarity movement. This movement by non-state actors was an attempt to for increased rights for workers and a new political reform. Walesa and the rest of his group used their power, despite being outlawed by the Communist, to bring about a free election in 1989 and this eventually led to the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Non- violence eventually prevailed in Europe and the end of the Cold War followed soon after.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
How to Use Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
How to Use Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a written document that provides product users and emergency personnel with information and procedures needed for handling and working with chemicals. MSDSs have been around, in one form or another, since the time of the ancient Egyptians. Although MSDS formats vary somewhat between countries and authors (an international MSDS format is documented in ANSI Standard Z400.1-1993), they generally outline the physical and chemical properties of the product, describe potential hazards associated with the substance (health, storage cautions, flammability, radioactivity, reactivity, etc.), prescribe emergency actions, and often include manufacturer identification, address, MSDS date, and emergency phone numbers. Key Takeaways: Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) A Material Safety Data Sheet or is a summary of the key properties of a substance and the hazards associated with its use.Material Safety Data sheets are not standardized, so its important to consult one provided by a respected source.Two chemicals that have the same name may have very different MSDS sheets because the particle size of the product and its purity may significantly affect its properties.MSDS sheets should be kept in an easy-to-find location and made accessible to all persons dealing with chemicals. Why Should I Care About a MSDS? Although MSDSs are targeted at workplaces and emergency personnel, any consumer can benefit from having important product information available. An MSDS provides information about proper storage of a substance, first aid, spill response, safe disposal, toxicity, flammability, and additional useful material. MSDSs are not limited to reagents used for chemistry, but are provided for most substances, including common household products such as cleaners, gasoline, pesticides, certain foods, drugs, and office and school supplies. Familiarity with MSDSs allows for precautions to be taken for potentially dangerous products; seemingly safe products may be found to contain unforeseen hazards. Where Do I Find Material Safety Data Sheets? In many countries, employers are required to maintain MSDSs for their workers, so a good place to locate MSDSs is on the job. Also, some products intended for consumer use are sold with MSDSs enclosed. College and university chemistry departments will maintain MSDSs on many chemicals. However, if you are reading this article online then you have easy access to thousands of MSDSs via the internet. There are links to MSDS databases from this site. Many companies have MSDSs for their products available online via their websites. Since the point of an MSDS is to make hazard information available to consumers and since copyrights dont tend to apply to restrict distribution, MSDS are widely available. Certain MSDSs, such as those for drugs, may be more difficult to obtain, but are still available upon request. To locate an MSDS for a product you will need to know its name. Alternate names for chemicals are often provided on the MSDS, but there is no standardized naming of substances. Theà chemical nameà orà specific nameà is used most often to find MSDSs for health effects and protective measures.à IUPACà (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) conventions are used more often thanà common names.à Synonymsà are often listed on MSDSs.Theà molecular formulaà may be used to locate a chemical of known composition.You can usually searchà for substance usingà itsà CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service)à registry number.à Different chemicalsà may have the same name, but each will have its own CAS number.Sometimes the easiest way to locate a product is to search byà manufacturer.Products may be found using theirà US Defense Department NSN. A National Supply Number is a four-digit FSC class code number plus a nine-digit National Item Identification Number or NIIN.Aà trade nameà orà product nameà is the brand, commercial, or marketing name the manufacturer gives the product. It does not specify what chemicals are in the pr oduct or whether the product is a mixture of chemicals or a single chemical. Aà generic nameà orà chemical family nameà describes a group of chemicals with related physical and chemical properties. Sometimes an MSDS will list only the generic name of a product, although in most countries laws require that chemical names also be listed. How Do I Use a MSDS? An MSDS might appear to be intimidating and technical, but the information is not intended to be difficult to understand. You might simply scan an MSDS to see if any warnings or hazards are delineated. If the content is difficult to understand there are online MSDS glossaries to help define any unfamiliar words and often contact information for further explanations. Ideally you would read an MSDS before obtaining a product so that you could prepare proper storage and handling. More often, MSDSs are read after a product is purchased. In this case, you can scan the MSDS for any safety precautions, health effects, storage cautions, or disposal instructions. MSDSs often list symptoms that might indicate exposure to the product. An MSDS is an excellent resource to consult when a product has been spilled or a person has been exposed to the product (ingested, inhaled, spilled on skin). The instructions on an MSDS do not replace those of a health care professional, but can be helpful emergen cy situations. When consulting an MSDS, keep in mind that few substances are pure forms of molecules, so the content of an MSDS will depend on the manufacturer. In other words, two MSDSs for the same chemical may contain different information, depending on the impurities of the substance or the method used in its preparation. Important Information Material Safety Data Sheets are not created equal. Theoretically, MSDSs can be written by pretty much anyone (although there is some liability involved), so the information is only as accurate as the authors references and understanding of the data. According to a 1997 study by OSHA one expert panel review established that only 11% of the MSDSs were found to be accurate in all of the following four areas: health effects, first aid, personal protective equipment, and exposure limits. Further, theà health effectsà data on the MSDSs frequently are incomplete and the chronic data are often incorrect or less complete than the acute data. This doesnt mean that MSDSs are useless, but it does indicate that information needs to be used with caution and that MSDSs should be obtained from trustworthy and reliable sources. The bottom line: Respect the chemicals you use. Know their hazards and plan your response to an emergency before it happens!
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